Glorious PC gaming master race vs. dirty console gaming peasants
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    Jornalista com mais de 20 anos de experiência em jogos de plataforma, mostrando pros jogadores que até o tutorial é difícil:
    Resenhas gringas e "especializada":

    Resenhas nacionais de extrema credibilidade:


    Gameplay com o nazista, fascista e macho branco opressor PewDiePie:
    Gameplay com Conan+Kate Upton:
    Editado pela última vez por queito em 12/10/2017, 04:25, em um total de 4 vezes.

     A Amadora da Gavea
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    pelo tutorial ja se nota q o cara eh um acefalo, olha a dificuldade dele de entender o dash

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    constrangedor, meu deus do céu

  •  62134 posts

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    Essa é a nova geração de gamers e jornalistas. A mesma que diz que o remaster do Crash é o Dark Souls das plataformas.

    Enviado de meu XT1635-02 usando Tapatalk

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    Dean: I've watched the comments on this thread just to see how mean they would be. I think it's useful to show my gameplay experience. I did not intentionally play poorly to "troll" anyone. But it serves as an interesting social experiment. I walk into a game cold, and this is the play that results. The video shows it's a notch more difficult than your typical Mario game. In fact, if you are expecting Mario, as the story says, then you are thrown off. And it shows that the developers are going to leave a lot of people who are worse than me behind. Maybe they're fine with that. Maybe they want to target gamers with a love for difficult games. That's fine. But I think they should signal that. How many games actually come with a tutorial these days? They're not popular. But if it's necessary, that is a signal this is going to require some skill. As for other comments on this thread, I wonder why they are hostile to someone who is viewing the game as a beginner? Are we that intolerant of people who are not "gamers"? Should I have played the scene over and over again until I was good at it, and then turned the recording on, like so many of those perfect video walkthroughs you see? I believe that games can be made accessible and inviting to people who are not hardcore fans, and these people can be accommodated inside the same game that is appealing to hardcore fans, through difficulty levels. So when people tell me that I shouldn't be playing this game because, on my first play, I was pretty lousy -- that's an attitude that argues that games should be shut off in their own little corner, only played publicly by the masters and the experts. I disagree with that view entirely, and I believe it leads to elitist attitudes that allow gamers to look down on other people, and that only leads to a more fragmented world of haters.

  •  85643 posts

    Piccolo_san escreveu: Essa é a nova geração de gamers e jornalistas. A mesma que diz que o remaster do Crash é o Dark Souls das plataformas.

    Enviado de meu XT1635-02 usando Tapatalk

  •  22135 posts

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    E tem nego que fica se descabelando em fórum de game pelos reviews que esses caras fazem :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper:

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    22 horas atrás
    The only thing these game critics do is talk about feminism, race and whine about Trump. I don't understand why companies pay these imbeciles to play test their games first. Just give them to me already! I'll do it for free!

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    Porra mas que vergonha alheia, que agonia deu assistir ele levar UM MINUTO E MEIO pra conseguir pular o obstáculo no tutorial sendo que ESTAVA ESCRITO NA TELA o que tinha que fazer (e pior, nada completo, só pular e fazer o dash...)

  •  22751 posts

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    Que nervoso ver esse cara jogando DOOM. Puta jogo frenético e sujeito jogando como se tivesse 70 anos. :facepalm:

  •  12371 posts

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    Os comentarios do video dizendo que ele é fdeficiente, pra pegar leve com as criticas :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper:

    Esse cara nao conseguiria terminar uns 90% dos jogos de plataforma dos anos 90

    Imagina ele jogando um contra 3 ou megaman x :lol:

  •  23870 posts

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    Normal dessa geração playstation composta por Balders, que conheceram videogame no PS3 e só sabem jogar jogos de apertar um botão como uncharted e acham que dark souls é o jogo mais difícil da história :lolsuper: Isso quando não tem sua cognição toda deturpada por fumar tarolo de maconnha todo dia.
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    Me dá nervoso ver gente assim.

    Me lembro do Castlevania Lament of Innocence do PS2 que eu estava vendo um amigo jogar na época. Tinha um boss que lançava um ataque padrão que te obrigava a pular para desviar. O jogo tinha pulo duplo, que tornava desviar desses ataques algo muito fácil, mas o meu amigo por alguma razão só tentava desviar usando o pulo simples, o que obrigava ele a ser bastante preciso no momento de pular. E ele ficou lá, morrendo enquanto só usava o pulo simples.[/Sudit]

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    Hankey escreveu:
    Dean: I've watched the comments on this thread just to see how mean they would be. I think it's useful to show my gameplay experience. I did not intentionally play poorly to "troll" anyone. But it serves as an interesting social experiment. I walk into a game cold, and this is the play that results. The video shows it's a notch more difficult than your typical Mario game. In fact, if you are expecting Mario, as the story says, then you are thrown off. And it shows that the developers are going to leave a lot of people who are worse than me behind. Maybe they're fine with that. Maybe they want to target gamers with a love for difficult games. That's fine. But I think they should signal that. How many games actually come with a tutorial these days? They're not popular. But if it's necessary, that is a signal this is going to require some skill. As for other comments on this thread, I wonder why they are hostile to someone who is viewing the game as a beginner? Are we that intolerant of people who are not "gamers"? Should I have played the scene over and over again until I was good at it, and then turned the recording on, like so many of those perfect video walkthroughs you see? I believe that games can be made accessible and inviting to people who are not hardcore fans, and these people can be accommodated inside the same game that is appealing to hardcore fans, through difficulty levels. So when people tell me that I shouldn't be playing this game because, on my first play, I was pretty lousy -- that's an attitude that argues that games should be shut off in their own little corner, only played publicly by the masters and the experts. I disagree with that view entirely, and I believe it leads to elitist attitudes that allow gamers to look down on other people, and that only leads to a more fragmented world of haters.
    Não sei porque ele está falando que não é fácil como "typical Mario", pois como é claro ele não tem habilidade para terminar os Marios e DK da Nintendo.

    A única coisa que esse cara consegue jogar são os jogos atuais no modo Easy e Very Easy.

  •  21245 posts

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    1+2=7 escreveu: Normal dessa geração playstation composta por Balders, que conheceram videogame no PS3 e só sabem jogar jogos de apertar um botão como uncharted e acham que dark souls é o jogo mais difícil da história :lolsuper: Isso quando não tem sua cognição toda deturpada por fumar tarolo de maconnha todo dia.
    :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper: :lolsuper:

  •  691 posts

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    Bom vídeo. Ri demais com as quedas dele na subida.

    Muito burro.

  •  23870 posts

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    Tenho um nojo desses jogos de hoje em dia que tem uma curva de progressão retardada sendo extremamente fáceis no começo sem apresentar qualquer desafios ou risco de morte.

     wall street
  •  494 posts

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    me lembrou o jornalista q desconhecia o conceito de movimento linear e ficava vergonhosamente caindo daqueles loops do sonic 2D. eu até entendo quando esse tipo de confusão acontece com um enfant de 10 anos pra baixo, eu msm tive bastante dificuldade com o controle tank de RE2 nos anos 90, mas se vc é adulto e trabalha com essa desgraça, você tem zero desculpas
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