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    Denis Villeneuve pode retornar para Sicario 3, diz produtor

    Denis Villeneuve pode voltar para a franquia Sicario, de acordo com o produtor Ed McDonnell. Em entrevista à Empire, McDonnell falou sobre conversa que teve com o diretor, na qual o canadense demonstrou interesse em comandar um eventual terceiro filme (via Screen Rant).

    "Ele [Villeneuve] gostaria de estar disponível para Sicario 2. Chegamos a falar sobre ele eventualmente voltar para o terceiro filme. Ele disse 'se estiver disponível, dirigiria o longa amanhã'. Mas sempre soubemos que ele estaria no meio de Blade Runner 2049 quando o roteiro [de Sicario 2] começou a ficar pronto."

    No novo filme, os personagens de Josh Brolin e Benicio Del Toro voltam à guerra contra as drogas para enfrentar os carteis que estão facilitando a entrada de terroristas na fronteira entre os Estados Unidos e o México. Porém, dessa vez, eles estão sem nenhuma supervisão. De acordo com o roteirista Taylor Sheridan, o novo filme faz Sicario parecer uma comédia.

    Sicario 2: Soldado estreia nos Estados Unidos em 29 de junho de 2018.

    @Nitro não sabe o que falar, apenas sentir. ;)

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    Prox escreveu: Esse Wildlife do supremo Paul Dano foi muito elogiado
    Verdade, parece que mandou bem mesmo.

    Desse outros que eu citei I Think We're Alone Now ficou meeh pelo que li. Motivo é que o filme simplesmente é chato.
    O que é uma pena, gosto muito do roteiro, embora realmente fosse parado. Eu achei que o carisma dos atores compensaria, casting era uma parte relevante do sucesso e os nomes foram bons. Ritmo também poderia compensar, mas parece que a Morano fez ele mais lento mesmo. Paciência, esperar pra ver.

    Eighth Grade foi elogiado também. O quão bom são esses caras da A24 e Scott Rudin?
    Uma histórinha que você não dá nada. Uma menina na escola, como o título já diz. Ainda assim, parece que virou xodó do festival.

    Sorry to Bother You é um dos únicos que não ficou muito claro, mas com viés positivo. Parece que é um filme meio maluco e é 8 ou 80.
    Prox  isso

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    krl vi aqui o filme super... meio sem pé nem cabeça e o final é meio zoado.

    filme de cuck do caralho, o cara faz tudo pra no final levar bota e ficar feliz com isso tnc

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    A única coisa engraçada desse filme é o Chris Hemsworth sendo uma espécie de discípulo do Danny McBride. Ele é um cara compatível com o papel pelo fato de ser australiano

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    Hankey escreveu:
    Nitro escreveu:
    Prox escreveu: Alguém faz um gif ai pra mim dessa cena dele correndo na cadeira de rodas, vou usar de avatar
    Não sei até qual parte você quer.

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    Hankey  isso

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    Ophelia (2018)


    Veículos americanos :

    "It’s a tragedy that has played out countless times, but it feels fresh and powerful in this telling."

    "Ridley is simply extraordinary, and she and MacKay give us a younger, lustier Ophelia and Hamlet than we usually get on the big screen"

    "this vigorous, colorful and clever melodrama smartly rethinks both the play and the character, making her a far more proactive figure than Shakespeare did in addition to entirely reimagining her fate. "

    Jornal britânico (The Guardian):

    "Shakespeare purists will revolt, high-fantasy fans will be bored and the kids who make gifs of Daisy Ridley and put them on Tumblr will wait until they can pirate this anyway. This project is madness with no method to it."

    "...so the dialogue is dumbed down to a generic Game of Thrones level."

    "(...) the only way I’ll sit through this again is to laugh at it."

    Shakespeare é nível futebol.

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    Indiana Jones 5 | Steven Spielberg planeja rodar filme em 2019

    Fontes consultadas pelo Hollywood Reporter sugerem que Steven Spielberg planeja filmar Indiana Jones 5 em 2019 para, assim, lançá-lo em 2020, como está previsto no calendário da Disney.

    Especula-se que o diretor está considerando Chris Pratt para estrelar a produção ao lado de Harrison Ford. O roteiro, escrito por David Koepp, deve ser ambientado nos anos 1950 e pode ser influenciado pela ficção científica popular na época. John Williams fará a trilha sonora.

    Não tem a menor condição do Ford fazer muitas cenas de ação.

    Espero que seja o último filme dele na franquia. Já chega né...

    Doutor Sono | Sequência de O Iluminado terá Mike Flanagan como diretor

    O diretor Mike Flanagan, de Jogo Perigoso, comandará Doutor Sono, a sequência de O Iluminado, de acordo com o Hollywood Reporter. Adaptando obra homônima de Stephen King, longa acompanhará Danny Torrance já adulto, que continua traumatizado pelos acontecimentos no Overlook Hotel.

    Mike Flanagan? Tem a minha atenção. :rimbuk2:

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    Olha só quem apareceu pra vencer Sundance. :P



    Grand Jury Prize: “The Miseducation of Cameron Post”

    Audience Award: “Burden”

    Directing: Sara Colangelo, “The Kindergarten Teacher”

    Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award: Christina Choe, “Nancy”

    Special Jury Award for Outstanding First Feature: Reinaldo Marcus Green, “Monsters and Men”

    Special Jury Award for Excellence in Filmmaking: “I Think We’re Alone Now”

    Special Jury Award for Achievement in Acting: Benjamin Dickey, “Blaze”

    Lista completa

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    Directed by: David Freyne
    Starring: Ellen Page, Sam Keeley, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor & Paula Malcomson

    What happens when the undead return to life? In a world ravaged for years by a virus that turns the infected into zombie-like cannibals, a cure is at last found and the wrenching process of reintegrating the survivors back into society begins. Among the formerly afflicted is Senan (Sam Keeley), a young man haunted by the horrific acts he committed while infected. Welcomed back into the family of his widowed sister-in-law (Ellen Page), Senan attempts to restart his life—but is society ready to forgive him and those like him? Or will fear and prejudice once again tear the world apart? Pulsing with provocative parallels to our troubled times, The Cured is a smart, scary, and hauntingly human tale of guilt and redemption

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    From the acclaimed graphic novel comes an epic adventure about a world beyond imagination. Teen Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe, The Conjuring 2) is the only thing that stands between terrible giants and the destruction of her small town. But as she boldly confronts her fears in increasingly dangerous ways, her new school counselor (Zoe Saldana, Guardians of the Galaxy) leads her to question everything she’s always believed to be true. I Kill Giants is an intense, touching story about trust, courage and love from the producers that brought you Harry Potter.

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    Unsane | Filme de Steven Soderbergh filmado com iPhone ganha primeiro trailer

    @Hankey aprova. ;)
    Hankey  isso

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    Quando você é tão bom que fazer filmes com os melhores equipamentos já ficou entediante. Esse filme estará em Berlim junto com o novo do Padilha, ambos fora da competição.

    Recentemente citei o polonês lá que fez um filme maravilhoso com a Sonyzinha e ele disse uma coisa interessante na entrevista:

    "It's about pushing the technology you have. We pushed that camera to its fucking maximum, and with the combination of software, color grading, and effects, we were able to push it even a step further."

    Vamos ver o que o Soderbergh consegue com um celular.

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    Hankey escreveu:
    From the acclaimed graphic novel comes an epic adventure about a world beyond imagination. Teen Barbara Thorson (Madison Wolfe, The Conjuring 2) is the only thing that stands between terrible giants and the destruction of her small town. But as she boldly confronts her fears in increasingly dangerous ways, her new school counselor (Zoe Saldana, Guardians of the Galaxy) leads her to question everything she’s always believed to be true. I Kill Giants is an intense, touching story about trust, courage and love from the producers that brought you Harry Potter.
    Essa HQ é boa, filme tem potencial. Espero que não caguem.

     wall street
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    wall street escreveu: Ele foi morto pelas mãos de indígenas durante aquele trampo dele de escolta, isso pouquíssimo tempo depois de ele ter se curado, escapado da morte certa e ter recuperado o rifle roubado pelo Fitzgerald.
    What did your initial drafts for The Revenant look like? Were any notable changes made?

    In my earlier drafts before Alejandro came on, my father-son stuff was different. My story was that the son had died previous to the journey, that he had been sick while he was young. You open with these scenes of Glass and son, carving a star in a hunting rifle — the stock of a hunting rifle. While they’re carving the star, the son is coughing and you know he’s dying. The son pricks his finger and blood falls into the star on the rifle, and then you flash forward and we’re right where we are with the attack. Glass is still holding the rifle, but it’s very worn and you can still see the star on the stock of the rifle.

    When Fitzgerald and Jim Bridger leave him, in my earlier drafts, Fitzgerald took the rifle. All Glass wanted to do was hold his rifle, so he’s gripping his rifle, because it means so much to him. Glass’ journey was less about revenge, more about getting his rifle back — which is almost like his son. It was almost a kidnapping story at that point. I didn’t like the revenge thing, so I didn’t go that route. Then Alejandro came in and added the son, because he thought it could be really powerful, and the idea because of he’s half-Native American the racism angle could come in and you could show the cultures and how they blended together. We both felt revenge was empty — a goal without a reward. It’s hard to celebrate, because the character is lost. Revenge is the spark that gets him going, but it’s a spiritual journey.


    Spoilers for the ending of The Revenant ahead
    You mentioned earlier you and Alejandro wanted this film to live in the gray, and the ending certainly does. Glass doesn’t kill Fitzgerald himself — but he does kind of kill him by giving him up.

    [Laughs.] Yeah, it’s kind of a cheat in a way, because it’s not like Glass thought he was going to get out of this. Even in my earlier drafts, during the final battle scene, Fitzgerald is in freezing water and drowning, and all that was holding him was the rifle. Glass just took the rifle, so when the rifle was gone, Fitzgerald drowned under the ice.
    http://www.slashfilm.com/the-revenant-m ... interview/

     wall street
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    Claro que ainda tem muita coisa que não rolou de fato, mas isso aí me pareceu um bom meio-termo entre ficção e mundo real.
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